エモンドレ・リックマン 選手 B3リーグ2023-24シーズン 選手契約合意(継続)のお知らせ


生年月日  1996年12月24日
身長/体重  202cm/129kg
出身地   アメリカ
出身校   インディアナ州立大学
After consideration, I’m happy to say that I’m returning next season to play with Tachikawa Dice. Coming into the ‘22-‘23 season so late, there was not so much I could contribute, but I believe that since I will now have a full season to work with, I will be able to contribute more.
The support from the community was strong and for only being a first year team our fans were loyal. I’m excited to see what the future brings for next years Dice team, and in return, what next years Dice team can bring to the Tachikawa community.