トリスティン・ウォーリー選手 B3リーグ2022-23シーズン 契約満了のお知らせ


背番号   14
生年月日  1996年2月24日
身長/体重  201cm/100kg
出身地   アメリカ合衆国
出身校   アーカンソー州立大学
I just wanted to say thank you for all your support throughout this season! I want to personally give a big thank you to all the sponsors as well for all the support of the team the whole season! Although I will not be returning to tachikawa dice I want to say my experience here in tachikawa city was amazing! To my teammates, coaches, and front staff I know you all will continue your hard work and I want to wish you all the very best in seasons to come! I wish Tachikawa dice nothing but success in the future! Thank you so much for having me!
